Rapports des groupes Ad hoc"; // // The secondary page titles, randomly selected and displayed under the main header. // For example: $_CONFIG['secondary_titles'] = array("Secondary title", "“Secondary title with quotes”"); // Default: $_CONFIG['secondary_titles'] = array(); // $_CONFIG['secondary_titles'] = array(); // // Display breadcrumbs (relative path of the location). // Default: $_CONFIG['show_path'] = true; // $_CONFIG['show_path'] = true; // // Display the time it took to load the page. // Default: $_CONFIG['show_load_time'] = true; // $_CONFIG['show_load_time'] = true; // // The time format for the "last changed" column. // Default: $_CONFIG['time_format'] = "d.m.y H:i:s"; // $_CONFIG['time_format'] = "d.m.y H:i:s"; // // Charset. Use the one that suits for you. // Default: $_CONFIG['charset'] = "UTF-8"; // $_CONFIG['charset'] = "UTF-8"; /* * PERMISSIONS */ // // The array of folder names that will be hidden from the list. // Default: $_CONFIG['hidden_dirs'] = array(); // $_CONFIG['hidden_dirs'] = array(); // // Filenames that will be hidden from the list. // Default: $_CONFIG['hidden_files'] = array(".ftpquota", "index.php", "index.php~", ".htaccess", ".htpasswd"); // $_CONFIG['hidden_files'] = array(".ftpquota", "index.php", "index.php~", ".htaccess", ".htpasswd", "list3.php", "list3_fr.php", "list3_es.php", "Thumbs.db"); // // Whether authentication is required to see the contents of the page. // If set to false, the page is public. // If set to true, you should specify some users as well (see below). // Important: This only prevents people from seeing the list. // They will still be able to access the files with a direct link. // Default: $_CONFIG['require_login'] = false; // $_CONFIG['require_login'] = false; // // Usernames and passwords for restricting access to the page. // The format is: array(username, password, status) // Status can be either "user" or "admin". User can read the page, admin can upload and delete. // For example: $_CONFIG['users'] = array(array("username1", "password1", "user"), array("username2", "password2", "admin")); // You can also keep require_login=false and specify an admin. // That way everyone can see the page but username and password are needed for uploading. // For example: $_CONFIG['users'] = array(array("username", "password", "admin")); // Default: $_CONFIG['users'] = array(); // $_CONFIG['users'] = array(); // // Permissions for uploading, creating new directories and deleting. // They only apply to admin accounts, regular users can never perform these operations. // Default: // $_CONFIG['upload_enable'] = true; // $_CONFIG['newdir_enable'] = true; // $_CONFIG['delete_enable'] = false; // $_CONFIG['upload_enable'] = true; $_CONFIG['newdir_enable'] = true; $_CONFIG['delete_enable'] = false; /* * UPLOADING */ // // List of directories where users are allowed to upload. // For example: $_CONFIG['upload_dirs'] = array("./myuploaddir1/", "./mydir/upload2/"); // The path should be relative to the main directory, start with "./" and end with "/". // All the directories below the marked ones are automatically included as well. // If the list is empty (default), all directories are open for uploads, given that the password has been set. // Default: $_CONFIG['upload_dirs'] = array(); // $_CONFIG['upload_dirs'] = array(); // // MIME type that are allowed to be uploaded. // For example, to only allow uploading of common image types, you could use: // $_CONFIG['upload_allow_type'] = array("image/png", "image/gif", "image/jpeg"); // Default: $_CONFIG['upload_allow_type'] = array(); // $_CONFIG['upload_allow_type'] = array(); // // File extensions that are not allowed for uploading. // For example: $_CONFIG['upload_reject_extension'] = array("php", "html", "htm"); // Default: $_CONFIG['upload_reject_extension'] = array(); // $_CONFIG['upload_reject_extension'] = array("php", "php2", "php3", "php4", "php5", "phtml"); // // By default, apply 0755 permissions to new directories // // The mode parameter consists of three octal number components specifying // access restrictions for the owner, the user group in which the owner is // in, and to everybody else in this order. // // See: https://php.net/manual/en/function.chmod.php // // Default: $_CONFIG['new_dir_mode'] = 0755; // $_CONFIG['new_dir_mode'] = 0755; // // By default, apply 0644 permissions to uploaded files // // The mode parameter consists of three octal number components specifying // access restrictions for the owner, the user group in which the owner is // in, and to everybody else in this order. // // See: https://php.net/manual/en/function.chmod.php // // Default: $_CONFIG['upload_file_mode'] = 0644; // $_CONFIG['upload_file_mode'] = 0644; /* * LOGGING */ // // Upload notification e-mail. // If set, an e-mail will be sent every time someone uploads a file or creates a new dirctory. // Default: $_CONFIG['upload_email'] = ""; // $_CONFIG['upload_email'] = ""; // // Logfile name. If set, a log line will be written there whenever a directory or file is accessed. // For example: $_CONFIG['log_file'] = ".log.txt"; // Default: $_CONFIG['log_file'] = ""; // $_CONFIG['log_file'] = ""; /* * SYSTEM */ // // The starting directory. Normally no need to change this. // Use only relative subdirectories! // For example: $_CONFIG['starting_dir'] = "./mysubdir/"; // Default: $_CONFIG['starting_dir'] = "."; // $_CONFIG['starting_dir'] = "."; // // Location in the server. Usually this does not have to be set manually. // Default: $_CONFIG['basedir'] = ""; // $_CONFIG['basedir'] = ""; // // Big files. If you have some very big files (>4GB), enable this for correct // file size calculation. // Default: $_CONFIG['large_files'] = false; // $_CONFIG['large_files'] = false; // // The session name, which is used as a cookie name. // Change this to something original if you have multiple copies in the same space // and wish to keep their authentication separate. // The value can contain only letters and numbers. For example: MYSESSION1 // More info at: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.session-name.php // Default: $_CONFIG['session_name'] = ""; // $_CONFIG['session_name'] = ""; /***************************************************************************/ /* TÕLKED */ /* */ /* TRANSLATIONS. */ /***************************************************************************/ $_TRANSLATIONS = array(); // Albanian $_TRANSLATIONS["al"] = array( "file_name" => "Emri Skedarit", "size" => "Madhësia", "last_changed" => "Ndryshuar", "total_used_space" => "Memorija e përdorur total", "free_space" => "Memorija e lirë", "password" => "Fjalëkalimi", "upload" => "Ngarko skedarë", "failed_upload" => "Ngarkimi i skedarit dështoi!", "failed_move" => "Lëvizja e skedarit në udhëzuesin e saktë deshtoi!", "wrong_password" => "Fjalëkalimi i Gabuar!!", "make_directory" => "New dir", "new_dir_failed" => "Failed to create directory", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Failed to change directory rights", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Unable to read directory", "location" => "Location", "root" => "Root" ); // Czech $_TRANSLATIONS["cz"] = array( "file_name" => "Název souboru", "size" => "Velikost", "last_changed" => "Změněno", "total_used_space" => "Obsazený prostor", "free_space" => "Volný prostor", "password" => "Heslo", "upload" => "Nahrát", "failed_upload" => "Nahrávání se nezdařilo!", "failed_move" => "Přesun souboru do určeného adresáře se nezdařil!", "wrong_password" => "Chybné heslo", "make_directory" => "Nový adresář", "new_dir_failed" => "Vytvoření adresáře se nezdařilo", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Změna práv adresáře se nezdařila", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Chyba při čtení adresáře", "location" => "Umístění", "root" => "Kořenový adresář", "log_file_permission_error" => "Skript nemá oprávnění k zápisu do souboru protokolu.", "upload_not_allowed" => "Konfigurační skript neumožňuje nahrávání v tomto adresáři.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Tento adresář nemá oprávnění k zápisu.", "mobile_version" => "Zobrazení pro mobil", "standard_version" => "Standardní zobrazení", "page_load_time" => "Stránka nahrána za %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Špatné uživatelské jméno nebo heslo", "username" => "Uživatelské jméno", "log_in" => "Přihlásit se", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Tento typ souboru není povolen pro nahrávání.", "del" => "Smazat", "log_out" => "Odhlásit se" ); // Dutch $_TRANSLATIONS["nl"] = array( "file_name" => "Bestandsnaam", "size" => "Omvang", "last_changed" => "Laatst gewijzigd", "total_used_space" => "Totaal gebruikte ruimte", "free_space" => "Beschikbaar", "password" => "Wachtwoord", "upload" => "Upload", "failed_upload" => "Fout bij uploaden van bestand!", "failed_move" => "Fout bij het verplaatsen van tijdelijk uploadbestand!", "wrong_password" => "Fout wachtwoord!", "make_directory" => "Nieuwe folder", "new_dir_failed" => "Fout bij aanmaken folder!", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Rechten konden niet gewijzigd worden!", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Niet mogelijk om directorie te lezen", "location" => "Locatie", "root" => "Root", "log_file_permission_error" => "Script heeft geen toegang tot het logbestand.", "upload_not_allowed" => "Uploaden van bestanden is niet toegestaan.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Het is niet toegestaan in deze directorie bestanden te plaatsen.", "mobile_version" => "Mobiele weergave", "standard_version" => "Standaard weergave", "page_load_time" => "Pagina geladen in %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Foutieve gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord", "username" => "Gebruikersnaam", "log_in" => "Inloggen", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Dit type bestand is niet toegestaan.", "del" => "Verwijder", // short for Delete "log_out" => "Uitloggen" ); // English $_TRANSLATIONS["en"] = array( "file_name" => "File name", "size" => "Size", "last_changed" => "Last updated", "total_used_space" => "Total space used", "free_space" => "Free space", "password" => "Password", "upload" => "Upload", "failed_upload" => "Failed to upload the file!", "failed_move" => "Failed to move the file into the right directory!", "wrong_password" => "Wrong password", "make_directory" => "New directory", "new_dir_failed" => "Failed to create directory", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Failed to change directory rights", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Unable to read directory", "location" => "Location", "root" => "Root", "log_file_permission_error" => "The script does not have permissions to write the log file.", "upload_not_allowed" => "The script configuration does not allow uploading in this directory.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "This directory does not have write permissions.", "mobile_version" => "Mobile view", "standard_version" => "Standard view", "page_load_time" => "Page loaded in %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Wrong username or password", "username" => "Username", "log_in" => "Log in", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "This file type is not allowed for uploading.", "del" => "Delete", "log_out" => "Log out" ); // Estonian $_TRANSLATIONS["et"] = array( "file_name" => "Faili nimi", "size" => "Suurus", "last_changed" => "Viimati muudetud", "total_used_space" => "Kokku kasutatud", "free_space" => "Vaba ruumi", "password" => "Parool", "upload" => "Uploadi", "failed_upload" => "Faili ei õnnestunud serverisse laadida!", "failed_move" => "Faili ei õnnestunud õigesse kausta liigutada!", "wrong_password" => "Vale parool", "make_directory" => "Uus kaust", "new_dir_failed" => "Kausta loomine ebaõnnestus", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Kausta õiguste muutmine ebaõnnestus", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Unable to read directory", "location" => "Asukoht", "root" => "Peakaust" ); // Finnish $_TRANSLATIONS["fi"] = array( "file_name" => "Tiedoston nimi", "size" => "Koko", "last_changed" => "Muokattu", "total_used_space" => "Yhteenlaskettu koko", "free_space" => "Vapaa tila", "password" => "Salasana", "upload" => "Lisää tiedosto", "failed_upload" => "Tiedoston lisäys epäonnistui!", "failed_move" => "Tiedoston siirto kansioon epäonnistui!", "wrong_password" => "Väärä salasana", "make_directory" => "Uusi kansio", "new_dir_failed" => "Uuden kansion luonti epäonnistui!", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Kansion käyttäjäoikeuksien muuttaminen epäonnistui!", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Kansion sisältöä ei voi lukea.", "location" => "Paikka", "root" => "Juurihakemisto", "log_file_permission_error" => "Ohjelman ei ole sallittu kirjoittaa lokiin.", "upload_not_allowed" => "Ohjelman asetukset eivät salli tiedoston lisäämistä tähän kansioon.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Kansioon tallentaminen epäonnistui.", "mobile_version" => "Mobiilinäkymä", "standard_version" => "Tavallinen näkymä", "page_load_time" => "Sivu ladattu %.2f ms:ssa", "wrong_pass" => "Väärä käyttäjätunnus tai salasana", "username" => "Käyttäjätunnus", "log_in" => "Kirjaudu sisään", "log_out" => "Kirjaudu ulos", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Tämän tiedostotyypin lisääminen on estetty.", "del" => "Poista" ); // French $_TRANSLATIONS["fr"] = array( "file_name" => "Nom de fichier", "size" => "Taille", "last_changed" => "Ajouté", "total_used_space" => "Espace total utilisé", "free_space" => "Espace libre", "password" => "Mot de passe", "upload" => "Envoyer un fichier", "failed_upload" => "Erreur lors de l'envoi", "failed_move" => "Erreur lors du changement de dossier", "wrong_password" => "Mauvais mot de passe", "make_directory" => "Nouveau dossier", "new_dir_failed" => "Erreur lors de la création du dossier", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Impossible de changer les permissions du dossier", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Impossible de lire le dossier", "location" => "Localisation", "root" => "Racine", "log_file_permission_error" => "Le script ne possède pas les permissions pour écrire un fichier d'enregistrement.", "upload_not_allowed" => "La configuration actuelle ne permet de déposer un fichier dans ce dossier.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Ce dossier ne possède pas les permissions en écriture.", "mobile_version" => "Vue mobile", "standard_version" => "Vue standard", "page_load_time" => "Page chargée en %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Identifiant ou mot de passe incorrect", "username" => "Identifiant", "log_in" => "Connexion", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Ce format de fichier n'est pas autorisé.", "del" => "Effacer", "log_out" => "Déconnexion" ); // German $_TRANSLATIONS["de"] = array( "file_name" => "Dateiname", "size" => "Größe", "last_changed" => "Letzte Änderung", "total_used_space" => "Benutzter Speicherplatz", "free_space" => "Freier Speicherplatz", "password" => "Passwort", "upload" => "Upload", "failed_upload" => "Upload ist fehlgeschlagen!", "failed_move" => "Verschieben der Datei ist fehlgeschlagen!", "wrong_password" => "Falsches Passwort", "make_directory" => "Neuer Ordner", "new_dir_failed" => "Erstellen des Ordners fehlgeschlagen", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Veränderung der Zugriffsrechte des Ordners fehlgeschlagen", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Ordner konnte nicht gelesen werden", "location" => "Ort", "root" => "Wurzelverzeichnis", "log_file_permission_error" => "Das Script kann wegen fehlenden Berechtigungen keine Log Datei schreiben.", "upload_not_allowed" => "Die Scriptkonfiguration erlaubt kein Hochladen in dieses Verzeichnis.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Dieser Ordner besitzt keine Schreibrechte.", "mobile_version" => "Mobile Ansicht", "standard_version" => "Normale Ansicht", "page_load_time" => "Die Seite wurde in %.2f ms geladen", "wrong_pass" => "Benutzername oder Kennwort falsch", "username" => "Benutzername", "log_in" => "Einloggen", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Dieser Dateityp darf nicht hochgeladen werden.", "del" => "Entfernen", "log_out" => "Ausloggen" ); // Greek $_TRANSLATIONS["el"] = array( "file_name" => "Όνομα αρχείου", "size" => "Μέγεθος", "last_changed" => "Τροποποιημένο", "total_used_space" => "Χρησιμοποιημένος χώρος", "free_space" => "Ελεύθερος χώρος", "password" => "Εισάγεται κωδικό", "upload" => "Φόρτωση", "failed_upload" => "Αποτυχία φόρτωσης αρχείου!", "failed_move" => "Αποτυχία μεταφοράς αρχείου στον κατάλληλο φάκελο!", "wrong_password" => "Λάθος κωδικός", "make_directory" => "Δημιουργία νέου φακέλου", "new_dir_failed" => "Αποτυχία δημιουργίας νέου φακέλου", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Αποτυχία τροποποίησης δικαιωμάτων φακέλου", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Unable to read directory", "location" => "Location", "root" => "Root" ); // Hungarian $_TRANSLATIONS["hu"] = array( "file_name" => "Fájl név", "size" => "Méret", "last_changed" => "Utolsó módosítás", "total_used_space" => "Összes elfoglalt terület", "free_space" => "Szabad terület", "password" => "Jelszó", "upload" => "Feltöltés", "failed_upload" => "A fájl feltöltése nem sikerült!", "failed_move" => "A fájl mozgatása nem sikerült!", "wrong_password" => "Hibás jelszó", "make_directory" => "Új mappa", "new_dir_failed" => "A mappa létrehozása nem sikerült", "chmod_dir_failed" => "A mappa jogainak megváltoztatása nem sikerült", "unable_to_read_dir" => "A mappa nem olvasható", "location" => "Hely", "root" => "Gyökér", "log_file_permission_error" => "A log fájl írása jogosultsági okok miatt nem sikerült.", "upload_not_allowed" => "Ebbe a mappába a feltöltés nem engedélyezett.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "A mappa nem írható.", "mobile_version" => "Mobil nézet", "standard_version" => "Web nézet", "page_load_time" => "Letöltési id? %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Rossz felhasználónév vagy jelszó", "username" => "Felhasználónév", "log_in" => "Belépés", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "A fájltípus feltöltése tiltott." ); // Italian $_TRANSLATIONS["it"] = array( "file_name" => "Nome file", "size" => "Dimensione", "last_changed" => "Ultima modifica", "total_used_space" => "Totale spazio usato", "free_space" => "Spazio disponibile", "password" => "Parola chiave", "upload" => "Caricamento file", "failed_upload" => "Caricamento del file fallito!", "failed_move" => "Spostamento del file nella cartella fallito!", "wrong_password" => "Password sbagliata", "make_directory" => "Nuova cartella", "new_dir_failed" => "Creazione cartella fallita!", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Modifica dei permessi della cartella fallita!", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Non abilitato a leggere la cartella", "location" => "Posizione", "root" => "Indice", "log_file_permission_error" => "Lo script non ha i permessi per scrivere il file di log.", "upload_not_allowed" => "La configurazione dello script non permette l'upload in questa cartella.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Questa cartella non ha i permessi di scrittura.", "mobile_version" => "Visualizzazione Mobile", "standard_version" => "Visualizzazione Standard", "page_load_time" => "Page aperta in %.2f min", "wrong_pass" => "Username o password errati", "username" => "Username", "log_in" => "Log in", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Questo formato di file non è abilitato per l'upload.", "del" => "Cancella", // short for Delete "log_out" => "Esci" ); // Norwegian $_TRANSLATIONS["no"] = array( "file_name" => "Navn", "size" => "Størrelse", "last_changed" => "Endret", "total_used_space" => "Brukt plass", "free_space" => "Resterende plass", "password" => "Passord", "upload" => "Last opp", "failed_upload" => "Opplasting gikk galt", "failed_move" => "Kunne ikke flytte objektet", "wrong_password" => "Feil passord", "make_directory" => "Ny mappe", "new_dir_failed" => "Kunne ikke lage ny mappe", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Kunne ikke endre rettigheter", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Kunne ikke lese mappen", "location" => "Område", "root" => "Rot" ); //Polish $_TRANSLATIONS["pl"] = array( "file_name" => "Nazwa Pliku", "size" => "Rozmiar", "last_changed" => "Data Zmiany", "total_used_space" => "Total used space", "free_space" => "Wolnego obszaru", "password" => "Haslo", "upload" => "Przeslij", "failed_upload" => "Przeslanie pliku nie powiodlo sie", "failed_move" => "Przenosienie pliku nie powidlo sie!", "wrong_password" => "Niepoprawne haslo", "make_directory" => "Nowy folder", "new_dir_failed" => "Blad podczas tworzenia nowego foldera", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Blad podczas zmiany uprawnienia foldera", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Odczytanie foldera nie powiodlo sie", "location" => "Miejsce", "root" => "Root", "log_file_permission_error" => "Brak uprawnien aby utowrzyc dziennik dzialan.", "upload_not_allowed" => "Konfiguracja zabrania przeslanie pliku do tego foldera.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Nie mozna zapisac pliku do tego foldera.", "mobile_version" => "Wersja Mobile", "standard_version" => "Widok standardowy", "page_load_time" => "Zaladowano w %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Nie poprawna nazwa uzytkownika lub hasla", "username" => "Uzytkownik", "log_in" => "Zaloguj sie", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Ten rodazaj pliku jest zabrioniony." ); // Portuguese (Brazil) $_TRANSLATIONS["pt_BR"] = array( "file_name" => "Nome do arquivo", "size" => "Tamanho", "last_changed" => "Modificado em", "total_used_space" => "Total de espaço utilizado", "free_space" => "Espaço livre", "password" => "Senha", "upload" => "Enviar", "failed_upload" => "Falha ao enviar o arquivo!", "failed_move" => "Falha ao mover o arquivo para o diretório correto!", "wrong_password" => "Senha errada", "make_directory" => "Nova pasta", "new_dir_failed" => "Falha ao criar diretório", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Falha ao mudar os privilégios do diretório", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Não foi possível ler o diretório", "location" => "Localização", "root" => "Raíz", "log_file_permission_error" => "O script não tem permissão para escrever o arquivo de log.", "upload_not_allowed" => "A configuração do script não permite envios neste diretório.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Não há permissão para escrita neste diretório.", "mobile_version" => "Versão Móvel", "standard_version" => "Versão Padrão", "page_load_time" => "Página carregada em %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Nome de usuário ou senha errados", "username" => "Nome de Usuário", "log_in" => "Log in", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Não é permitido envio de arquivos deste tipo.", "del" => "Deletar", "log_out" => "Log out" ); // Portuguese (Portugal) $_TRANSLATIONS["pt_PT"] = array( "file_name" => "Nome do ficheiro", "size" => "Tamanho", "last_changed" => "Modificado em", "total_used_space" => "Total de espaço utilizado", "free_space" => "Espaço livre", "password" => "Palavra-passe", "upload" => "Enviar", "failed_upload" => "Falha ao enviar o ficheiro!", "failed_move" => "Falha ao mover o ficheiro para a pasta correcta!", "wrong_password" => "Palavra-passe errada", "make_directory" => "Nova pasta", "new_dir_failed" => "Falha ao criar pasta", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Falha ao mudar os privilégios da pasta", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Não foi possível ler a pasta", "location" => "Localização", "root" => "Raíz", "log_file_permission_error" => "O script não tem permissão para escrever o ficheiro de log.", "upload_not_allowed" => "A configuração do script não permite envios para esta pasta.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Não há permissão para escrita nesta pasta.", "mobile_version" => "Versão Móvel", "standard_version" => "Versão Padrão", "page_load_time" => "Página carregada em %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Nome de utilizador ou palavra-passe incorrectos", "username" => "Nome de utilizador", "log_in" => "Entrar", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Não é permitido o envio de ficheiros deste tipo.", "del" => "Apagar", "log_out" => "Sair" ); // Romanian $_TRANSLATIONS["ro"] = array( "file_name" => "Nume fisier", "size" => "Marime", "last_changed" => "Ultima modificare", "total_used_space" => "Spatiu total utilizat", "free_space" => "Spatiu disponibil", "password" => "Parola", "upload" => "Incarcare fisier", "failed_upload" => "Incarcarea fisierului a esuat!", "failed_move" => "Mutarea fisierului in alt director a esuat!", "wrong_password" => "Parol gresita!", "make_directory" => "Director nou", "new_dir_failed" => "Eroare la crearea directorului", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Eroare la modificarea drepturilor pe director", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Nu s-a putut citi directorul", "location" => "Locatie", "root" => "Root" ); // Russian $_TRANSLATIONS["ru"] = array( "file_name" => "Имя файла", "size" => "Размер", "last_changed" => "Последнее изменение", "total_used_space" => "Всего использовано", "free_space" => "Свободно", "password" => "Пароль", "upload" => "Загрузка", "failed_upload" => "Не удалось загрузить файл!", "failed_move" => "Не удалось переместить файл в нужную папку!", "wrong_password" => "Неверный пароль", "make_directory" => "Новая папка", "new_dir_failed" => "Не удалось создать папку", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Не удалось изменить права доступа к папке", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Не возможно прочитать папку", "location" => "Расположение", "root" => "Корневая папка", "log_file_permission_error" => "Скрипт не имеет прав для записи лога файла.", "upload_not_allowed" => "Загрузка в эту папку запрещена в настройках скрипта", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "В эту папку запрещена запись", "mobile_version" => "Мобильный вид", "standard_version" => "Обычный вид", "page_load_time" => "Страница загружена за %.2f мс.", "wrong_pass" => "Неверное имя пользователя или пароль", "username" => "Имя пользователя", "log_in" => "Войти", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Этот тип файла запрещено загружать", "del" => "удалить", "log_out" => "выйти" ); // Slovensky $_TRANSLATIONS["sk"] = array( "file_name" => "Meno súboru", "size" => "Veľkosť", "last_changed" => "Posledná zmena", "total_used_space" => "Použité miesto celkom", "free_space" => "Voľné miesto", "password" => "Heslo", "upload" => "Nahranie súborov", "failed_upload" => "Chyba nahrávania súboru!", "failed_move" => "Nepodarilo sa presunúť súbor do vybraného adresára!", "wrong_password" => "Neplatné heslo!", "make_directory" => "Nový priečinok", "new_dir_failed" => "Nepodarilo sa vytvoriť adresár!", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Nepodarilo sa zmeniť práva adresára!", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Nemôžem čítať adresár", "location" => "Umiestnenie", "root" => "Domov" ); // Spanish $_TRANSLATIONS["es"] = array( "file_name" => "Nombre de archivo", "size" => "Medida", "last_changed" => "Ultima modificación", "total_used_space" => "Total espacio usado", "free_space" => "Espacio libre", "password" => "Contraseña", "upload" => "Subir el archivo", "failed_upload" => "Error al subir el archivo!", "failed_move" => "Error al mover el archivo al directorio seleccionado!", "wrong_password" => "Contraseña incorrecta", "make_directory" => "Crear directorio", "new_dir_failed" => "Error al crear el directorio", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Error al cambiar los derechos de directorio", "unable_to_read_dir" => "No es posible leer el directorio", "location" => "Localización", "root" => "Raíz" ); // Swedish $_TRANSLATIONS["sv"] = array( "file_name" => "Filnamn", "size" => "Storlek", "last_changed" => "Senast andrad", "total_used_space" => "Totalt upptaget utrymme", "free_space" => "Ledigt utrymme", "password" => "Losenord", "upload" => "Ladda upp", "failed_upload" => "Fel vid uppladdning av fil!", "failed_move" => "Fel vid flytt av fil till mapp!", "wrong_password" => "Fel losenord", "make_directory" => "Ny mapp", "new_dir_failed" => "Fel vid skapande av mapp", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Fel vid andring av mappens egenskaper", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Kan inte lasa den filen", "location" => "Plats", "root" => "Hem" ); // Turkish $_TRANSLATIONS["tr"] = array( "file_name" => "Dosya ismi", "size" => "Boyut", "last_changed" => "gecmis", "total_used_space" => "Toplam dosya boyutu", "free_space" => "Bos alan", "password" => "Sifre", "upload" => "Yükleyen", "failed_upload" => "Hatali dosya yüklemesi!", "failed_move" => "Hatali dosya tasimasi!", "wrong_password" => "Yeniden sifre", "make_directory" => "Yeni dosya", "new_dir_failed" => "Dosya olusturalamadi", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Dosya ayari deqistirelemedi", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Unable to read directory", "location" => "Location", "root" => "Root" ); // Esperanto $_TRANSLATIONS["eo"] = array( "file_name" => "Dosiernomo", "size" => "Grando", "last_changed" => "Lasta ŝanĝo", "total_used_space" => "Uzata spaco", "free_space" => "Disponebla spaco", "password" => "pasvorto", "upload" => "Alŝuto", "failed_upload" => "Alŝuto malsukcesis!", "failed_move" => "Movo de la dosiero malsukcesis!", "wrong_password" => "Malĝusta pasvorto", "make_directory" => "Nova dosierujo", "new_dir_failed" => "Kreado de dosierujo malsukcesis", "chmod_dir_failed" => "Ŝanĝo de dosierujaj rajtoj malsukcesis", "unable_to_read_dir" => "Dosierujo ne estas legebla", "location" => "Loko", "root" => "Radiko", "log_file_permission_error" => "La skripto ne rajtas skribi la protokolan dosieron.", "upload_not_allowed" => "La skripto malpermesas alŝuti en ĉi tiun dosierujon.", "upload_dir_not_writable" => "Ĉi tiu dosierujo ne rajtigas skribadon.", "mobile_version" => "Vido por mobilaj iloj", "standard_version" => "Defaŭlta vido", "page_load_time" => "Paĝo ŝarĝita en %.2f ms", "wrong_pass" => "Malĝusta salutnomo aŭ pasvorto", "username" => "Salutnomo", "log_in" => "Ensaluto", "upload_type_not_allowed" => "Alŝuto estas malpermesita por ĉi tiu dosiertipo.", "del" => "For", // short for Delete "log_out" => "Adiaŭo" ); /***************************************************************************/ /* CSS FOR TWEAKING THE DESIGN */ /***************************************************************************/ function css() { ?> 0 && isset($_IMAGES[$_GET['img']])) print base64_decode($_IMAGES[$_GET['img']]); else print base64_decode($_IMAGES["unknown"]); } return true; } else if(isset($_GET['thumb'])) { if(strlen($_GET['thumb']) > 0 && EncodeExplorer::getConfig('thumbnails') == true) { ImageServer::showThumbnail($_GET['thumb']); } return true; } return false; } public static function isEnabledPdf() { if(class_exists("Imagick")) return true; return false; } public static function openPdf($file) { if(!ImageServer::isEnabledPdf()) return null; $im = new Imagick($file.'[0]'); $im->setImageFormat( "png" ); $str = $im->getImageBlob(); $im2 = imagecreatefromstring($str); return $im2; } // // Creates and returns a thumbnail image object from an image file // public static function createThumbnail($file) { if(is_int(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('thumbnails_width'))) $max_width = EncodeExplorer::getConfig('thumbnails_width'); else $max_width = 200; if(is_int(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('thumbnails_height'))) $max_height = EncodeExplorer::getConfig('thumbnails_height'); else $max_height = 200; if(File::isPdfFile($file)) $image = ImageServer::openPdf($file); else $image = ImageServer::openImage($file); if($image == null) return; imagealphablending($image, true); imagesavealpha($image, true); $width = imagesx($image); $height = imagesy($image); $new_width = $max_width; $new_height = $max_height; if(($width/$height) > ($new_width/$new_height)) $new_height = $new_width * ($height / $width); else $new_width = $new_height * ($width / $height); if($new_width >= $width && $new_height >= $height) { $new_width = $width; $new_height = $height; } $new_image = ImageCreateTrueColor($new_width, $new_height); imagealphablending($new_image, true); imagesavealpha($new_image, true); $trans_colour = imagecolorallocatealpha($new_image, 0, 0, 0, 127); imagefill($new_image, 0, 0, $trans_colour); imagecopyResampled ($new_image, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height); return $new_image; } // // Function for displaying the thumbnail. // Includes attempts at cacheing it so that generation is minimised. // public static function showThumbnail($file) { if(filemtime($file) < filemtime($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) $mtime = gmdate('r', filemtime($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); else $mtime = gmdate('r', filemtime($file)); $etag = md5($mtime.$file); if ((isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] == $mtime) || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) && str_replace('"', '', stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'])) == $etag)) { header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'); return; } else { header('ETag: "'.$etag.'"'); header('Last-Modified: '.$mtime); header('Content-Type: image/png'); $image = ImageServer::createThumbnail($file); imagepng($image); } } // // A helping function for opening different types of image files // public static function openImage ($file) { $size = getimagesize($file); switch($size["mime"]) { case "image/jpeg": $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($file); break; case "image/gif": $im = imagecreatefromgif($file); break; case "image/png": $im = imagecreatefrompng($file); break; default: $im=null; break; } return $im; } } // // The class for logging user activity // class Logger { public static function log($message) { global $encodeExplorer; if(strlen(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('log_file')) > 0) { if(Location::isFileWritable(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('log_file'))) { $message = "[" . date("Y-m-d h:i:s", mktime()) . "] ".$message." (".$_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"].")\n"; error_log($message, 3, EncodeExplorer::getConfig('log_file')); } else $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("log_file_permission_error"); } } public static function logAccess($path, $isDir) { $message = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']." ".GateKeeper::getUserName()." accessed "; $message .= $isDir?"dir":"file"; $message .= " ".$path; Logger::log($message); } public static function logQuery() { if(isset($_POST['log']) && strlen($_POST['log']) > 0) { Logger::logAccess($_POST['log'], false); return true; } else return false; } public static function logCreation($path, $isDir) { $message = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']." ".GateKeeper::getUserName()." created "; $message .= $isDir?"dir":"file"; $message .= " ".$path; Logger::log($message); } public static function emailNotification($path, $isFile) { if(strlen(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('upload_email')) > 0) { $message = "This is a message to let you know that ".GateKeeper::getUserName()." "; $message .= ($isFile?"uploaded a new file":"created a new directory")." in Encode Explorer.\n\n"; $message .= "Path : ".$path."\n"; $message .= "IP : ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\n"; mail(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('upload_email'), "Upload notification", $message); } } } // // The class controls logging in and authentication // class GateKeeper { public static function init() { global $encodeExplorer; if(strlen(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("session_name")) > 0) session_name(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("session_name")); if(count(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("users")) > 0) session_start(); else return; if(isset($_GET['logout'])) { $_SESSION['ee_user_name'] = null; $_SESSION['ee_user_pass'] = null; } if(isset($_POST['user_pass']) && strlen($_POST['user_pass']) > 0) { if(GateKeeper::isUser((isset($_POST['user_name'])?$_POST['user_name']:""), $_POST['user_pass'])) { $_SESSION['ee_user_name'] = isset($_POST['user_name'])?$_POST['user_name']:""; $_SESSION['ee_user_pass'] = $_POST['user_pass']; $addr = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $param = ''; if(isset($_GET['m'])) $param .= (strlen($param) == 0 ? '?m' : '&m'); if(isset($_GET['s'])) $param .= (strlen($param) == 0 ? '?s' : '&s'); if(isset($_GET['dir']) && strlen($_GET['dir']) > 0) { $param .= (strlen($param) == 0 ? '?dir=' : '&dir='); $param .= urlencode($_GET['dir']); } header( "Location: ".$addr.$param); } else $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("wrong_pass"); } } public static function isUser($userName, $userPass) { foreach(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("users") as $user) { if($user[1] == $userPass) { if(strlen($userName) == 0 || $userName == $user[0]) { return true; } } } return false; } public static function isLoginRequired() { if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("require_login") == false){ return false; } return true; } public static function isUserLoggedIn() { if(isset($_SESSION['ee_user_name'], $_SESSION['ee_user_pass'])) { if(GateKeeper::isUser($_SESSION['ee_user_name'], $_SESSION['ee_user_pass'])) return true; } return false; } public static function isAccessAllowed() { if(!GateKeeper::isLoginRequired() || GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn()) return true; return false; } public static function isUploadAllowed(){ if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_enable") == true && GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn() == true && GateKeeper::getUserStatus() == "admin") return true; return false; } public static function isNewdirAllowed(){ if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("newdir_enable") == true && GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn() == true && GateKeeper::getUserStatus() == "admin") return true; return false; } public static function isDeleteAllowed(){ if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("delete_enable") == true && GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn() == true && GateKeeper::getUserStatus() == "admin") return true; return false; } public static function getUserStatus(){ if(GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn() == true && EncodeExplorer::getConfig("users") != null && is_array(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("users"))){ foreach(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("users") as $user){ if($user[0] != null && $user[0] == $_SESSION['ee_user_name']) return $user[2]; } } return null; } public static function getUserName() { if(GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn() == true && isset($_SESSION['ee_user_name']) && strlen($_SESSION['ee_user_name']) > 0) return $_SESSION['ee_user_name']; if(isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"]) && strlen($_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"]) > 0) return $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"]; if(isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && strlen($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) > 0) return $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; return "an anonymous user"; } public static function showLoginBox(){ if(!GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn() && count(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("users")) > 0) return true; return false; } } // // The class for any kind of file managing (new folder, upload, etc). // class FileManager { /* Obsolete code function checkPassword($inputPassword) { global $encodeExplorer; if(strlen(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_password")) > 0 && $inputPassword == EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_password")) { return true; } else { $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("wrong_password"); return false; } } */ function newFolder($location, $dirname) { global $encodeExplorer; if(strlen($dirname) > 0) { $forbidden = array(".", "/", "\\"); for($i = 0; $i < count($forbidden); $i++) { $dirname = str_replace($forbidden[$i], "", $dirname); } if(!$location->uploadAllowed()) { // The system configuration does not allow uploading here $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("upload_not_allowed"); } else if(!$location->isWritable()) { // The target directory is not writable $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("upload_dir_not_writable"); } else if(!mkdir($location->getDir(true, false, false, 0).$dirname, EncodeExplorer::getConfig("new_dir_mode"))) { // Error creating a new directory $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("new_dir_failed"); } else if(!chmod($location->getDir(true, false, false, 0).$dirname, EncodeExplorer::getConfig("new_dir_mode"))) { // Error applying chmod $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("chmod_dir_failed"); } else { // Directory successfully created, sending e-mail notification Logger::logCreation($location->getDir(true, false, false, 0).$dirname, true); Logger::emailNotification($location->getDir(true, false, false, 0).$dirname, false); } } } function uploadFile($location, $userfile) { global $encodeExplorer; $name = basename($userfile['name']); if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $name = stripslashes($name); $upload_dir = $location->getFullPath(); $upload_file = $upload_dir . $name; if(function_exists("finfo_open") && function_exists("finfo_file")) $mime_type = File::getFileMime($userfile['tmp_name']); else $mime_type = $userfile['type']; $extension = File::getFileExtension($userfile['name']); if(!$location->uploadAllowed()) { $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("upload_not_allowed"); } else if(!$location->isWritable()) { $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("upload_dir_not_writable"); } else if(!is_uploaded_file($userfile['tmp_name'])) { $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("failed_upload"); } else if(is_array(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_allow_type")) && count(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_allow_type")) > 0 && !in_array($mime_type, EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_allow_type"))) { $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("upload_type_not_allowed"); } else if(is_array(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_reject_extension")) && count(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_reject_extension")) > 0 && in_array($extension, EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_reject_extension"))) { $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("upload_type_not_allowed"); } else if(!@move_uploaded_file($userfile['tmp_name'], $upload_file)) { $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("failed_move"); } else { chmod($upload_file, EncodeExplorer::getConfig("upload_file_mode")); Logger::logCreation($location->getDir(true, false, false, 0).$name, false); Logger::emailNotification($location->getDir(true, false, false, 0).$name, true); } } public static function delete_dir($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { $objects = scandir($dir); foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object != "." && $object != "..") { if (filetype($dir."/".$object) == "dir") FileManager::delete_dir($dir."/".$object); else unlink($dir."/".$object); } } reset($objects); rmdir($dir); } } public static function delete_file($file){ if(is_file($file)){ unlink($file); } } // // The main function, checks if the user wants to perform any supported operations // function run($location) { if(isset($_POST['userdir']) && strlen($_POST['userdir']) > 0){ if($location->uploadAllowed() && GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn() && GateKeeper::isAccessAllowed() && GateKeeper::isNewdirAllowed()){ $this->newFolder($location, $_POST['userdir']); } } if(isset($_FILES['userfile']['name']) && strlen($_FILES['userfile']['name']) > 0){ if($location->uploadAllowed() && GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn() && GateKeeper::isAccessAllowed() && GateKeeper::isUploadAllowed()){ $this->uploadFile($location, $_FILES['userfile']); } } if(isset($_GET['del'])){ if(GateKeeper::isUserLoggedIn() && GateKeeper::isAccessAllowed() && GateKeeper::isDeleteAllowed()){ $split_path = Location::splitPath($_GET['del']); $path = ""; for($i = 0; $i < count($split_path); $i++){ $path .= $split_path[$i]; if($i + 1 < count($split_path)) $path .= "/"; } if($path == "" || $path == "/" || $path == "\\" || $path == ".") return; if(is_dir($path)) FileManager::delete_dir($path); else if(is_file($path)) FileManager::delete_file($path); } } } } // // Dir class holds the information about one directory in the list // class Dir { var $name; var $location; // // Constructor // function Dir($name, $location) { $this->name = $name; $this->location = $location; } function getName() { return $this->name; } function getNameHtml() { return htmlspecialchars($this->name); } function getNameEncoded() { return rawurlencode($this->name); } // // Debugging output // function debug() { print("Dir name (htmlspecialchars): ".$this->getName()."\n"); print("Dir location: ".$this->location->getDir(true, false, false, 0)."\n"); } } // // File class holds the information about one file in the list // class File { var $name; var $location; var $size; //var $extension; var $type; var $modTime; // // Constructor // function File($name, $location) { $this->name = $name; $this->location = $location; $this->type = File::getFileType($this->location->getDir(true, false, false, 0).$this->getName()); $this->size = File::getFileSize($this->location->getDir(true, false, false, 0).$this->getName()); $this->modTime = filemtime($this->location->getDir(true, false, false, 0).$this->getName()); } function getName() { return $this->name; } function getNameEncoded() { return rawurlencode($this->name); } function getNameHtml() { return htmlspecialchars($this->name); } function getSize() { return $this->size; } function getType() { return $this->type; } function getModTime() { return $this->modTime; } // // Determine the size of a file // public static function getFileSize($file) { $sizeInBytes = filesize($file); // If filesize() fails (with larger files), try to get the size from unix command line. if (EncodeExplorer::getConfig("large_files") == true || !$sizeInBytes || $sizeInBytes < 0) { $sizeInBytes=exec("ls -l '$file' | awk '{print $5}'"); } return $sizeInBytes; } public static function getFileType($filepath) { /* * This extracts the information from the file contents. * Unfortunately it doesn't properly detect the difference between text-based file types. * $mime_type = File::getMimeType($filepath); $mime_type_chunks = explode("/", $mime_type, 2); $type = $mime_type_chunks[1]; */ return File::getFileExtension($filepath); } public static function getFileMime($filepath) { $fhandle = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME); $mime_type = finfo_file($fhandle, $filepath); $mime_type_chunks = preg_split('/\s+/', $mime_type); $mime_type = $mime_type_chunks[0]; $mime_type_chunks = explode(";", $mime_type); $mime_type = $mime_type_chunks[0]; return $mime_type; } public static function getFileExtension($filepath) { return strtolower(pathinfo($filepath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); } // // Debugging output // function debug() { print("File name: ".$this->getName()."\n"); print("File location: ".$this->location->getDir(true, false, false, 0)."\n"); print("File size: ".$this->size."\n"); print("File modTime: ".$this->modTime."\n"); } function isImage() { $type = $this->getType(); if($type == "png" || $type == "jpg" || $type == "gif" || $type == "jpeg") return true; return false; } function isPdf() { if(strtolower($this->getType()) == "pdf") return true; return false; } public static function isPdfFile($file) { if(File::getFileType($file) == "pdf") return true; return false; } function isValidForThumb() { if($this->isImage() || ($this->isPdf() && ImageServer::isEnabledPdf())) return true; return false; } } class Location { var $path; // // Split a file path into array elements // public static function splitPath($dir) { $dir = stripslashes($dir); $path1 = preg_split("/[\\\\\/]+/", $dir); $path2 = array(); for($i = 0; $i < count($path1); $i++) { if($path1[$i] == ".." || $path1[$i] == "." || $path1[$i] == "") continue; $path2[] = $path1[$i]; } return $path2; } // // Get the current directory. // Options: Include the prefix ("./"); URL-encode the string; HTML-encode the string; return directory n-levels up // function getDir($prefix, $encoded, $html, $up) { $dir = ""; if($prefix == true) $dir .= "./"; for($i = 0; $i < ((count($this->path) >= $up && $up > 0)?count($this->path)-$up:count($this->path)); $i++) { $temp = $this->path[$i]; if($encoded) $temp = rawurlencode($temp); if($html) $temp = htmlspecialchars($temp); $dir .= $temp."/"; } return $dir; } function getPathLink($i, $html) { if($html) return htmlspecialchars($this->path[$i]); else return $this->path[$i]; } function getFullPath() { return (strlen(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('basedir')) > 0?EncodeExplorer::getConfig('basedir'):dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']))."/".$this->getDir(true, false, false, 0); } // // Debugging output // function debug() { print_r($this->path); print("Dir with prefix: ".$this->getDir(true, false, false, 0)."\n"); print("Dir without prefix: ".$this->getDir(false, false, false, 0)."\n"); print("Upper dir with prefix: ".$this->getDir(true, false, false, 1)."\n"); print("Upper dir without prefix: ".$this->getDir(false, false, false, 1)."\n"); } // // Set the current directory // function init() { if(!isset($_GET['dir']) || strlen($_GET['dir']) == 0) { $this->path = $this->splitPath(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('starting_dir')); } else { $this->path = $this->splitPath($_GET['dir']); } } // // Checks if the current directory is below the input path // function isSubDir($checkPath) { for($i = 0; $i < count($this->path); $i++) { if(strcmp($this->getDir(true, false, false, $i), $checkPath) == 0) return true; } return false; } // // Check if uploading is allowed into the current directory, based on the configuration // function uploadAllowed() { if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('upload_enable') != true) return false; if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('upload_dirs') == null || count(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('upload_dirs')) == 0) return true; $upload_dirs = EncodeExplorer::getConfig('upload_dirs'); for($i = 0; $i < count($upload_dirs); $i++) { if($this->isSubDir($upload_dirs[$i])) return true; } return false; } function isWritable() { return is_writable($this->getDir(true, false, false, 0)); } public static function isDirWritable($dir) { return is_writable($dir); } public static function isFileWritable($file) { if(file_exists($file)) { if(is_writable($file)) return true; else return false; } else if(Location::isDirWritable(dirname($file))) return true; else return false; } } class EncodeExplorer { var $location; var $dirs; var $files; var $sort_by; var $sort_as; var $mobile; var $logging; var $spaceUsed; var $lang; // // Determine sorting, calculate space. // function init() { $this->sort_by = ""; $this->sort_as = ""; if(isset($_GET["sort_by"], $_GET["sort_as"])) { if($_GET["sort_by"] == "name" || $_GET["sort_by"] == "size" || $_GET["sort_by"] == "mod") if($_GET["sort_as"] == "asc" || $_GET["sort_as"] == "desc") { $this->sort_by = $_GET["sort_by"]; $this->sort_as = $_GET["sort_as"]; } } if(strlen($this->sort_by) <= 0 || strlen($this->sort_as) <= 0) { $this->sort_by = "name"; $this->sort_as = "desc"; } global $_TRANSLATIONS; if(isset($_GET['lang'], $_TRANSLATIONS[$_GET['lang']])) $this->lang = $_GET['lang']; else $this->lang = EncodeExplorer::getConfig("lang"); $this->mobile = false; if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("mobile_enabled") == true) { if((EncodeExplorer::getConfig("mobile_default") == true || isset($_GET['m'])) && !isset($_GET['s'])) $this->mobile = true; } $this->logging = false; if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("log_file") != null && strlen(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("log_file")) > 0) $this->logging = true; } // // Read the file list from the directory // function readDir() { global $encodeExplorer; // // Reading the data of files and directories // if($open_dir = @opendir($this->location->getFullPath())) { $this->dirs = array(); $this->files = array(); while ($object = readdir($open_dir)) { if($object != "." && $object != "..") { if(is_dir($this->location->getDir(true, false, false, 0)."/".$object)) { if(!in_array($object, EncodeExplorer::getConfig('hidden_dirs'))) $this->dirs[] = new Dir($object, $this->location); } else if(!in_array($object, EncodeExplorer::getConfig('hidden_files'))) $this->files[] = new File($object, $this->location); } } closedir($open_dir); } else { $encodeExplorer->setErrorString("unable_to_read_dir");; } } // // A recursive function for calculating the total used space // function sum_dir($start_dir, $ignore_files, $levels = 1) { if ($dir = opendir($start_dir)) { $total = 0; while ((($file = readdir($dir)) !== false)) { if (!in_array($file, $ignore_files)) { if ((is_dir($start_dir . '/' . $file)) && ($levels - 1 >= 0)) { $total += $this->sum_dir($start_dir . '/' . $file, $ignore_files, $levels-1); } elseif (is_file($start_dir . '/' . $file)) { $total += File::getFileSize($start_dir . '/' . $file) / 1024; } } } closedir($dir); return $total; } } function calculateSpace() { if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('calculate_space_level') <= 0) return; $ignore_files = array('..', '.'); $start_dir = getcwd(); $spaceUsed = $this->sum_dir($start_dir, $ignore_files, EncodeExplorer::getConfig('calculate_space_level')); $this->spaceUsed = round($spaceUsed/1024, 3); } function sort() { if(is_array($this->files)){ usort($this->files, "EncodeExplorer::cmp_".$this->sort_by); if($this->sort_as == "desc") $this->files = array_reverse($this->files); } if(is_array($this->dirs)){ usort($this->dirs, "EncodeExplorer::cmp_name"); if($this->sort_by == "name" && $this->sort_as == "desc") $this->dirs = array_reverse($this->dirs); } } function makeArrow($sort_by) { if($this->sort_by == $sort_by && $this->sort_as == "asc") { $sort_as = "desc"; $img = "arrow_up"; } else { $sort_as = "asc"; $img = "arrow_down"; } if($sort_by == "name") $text = $this->getString("file_name"); else if($sort_by == "size") $text = $this->getString("size"); else if($sort_by == "mod") $text = $this->getString("last_changed"); return "makeLink(false, false, $sort_by, $sort_as, null, $this->location->getDir(false, true, false, 0))."\"> $text \"".$sort_as."\""; } function makeLink($switchVersion, $logout, $sort_by, $sort_as, $delete, $dir) { $link = "?"; if($switchVersion == true && EncodeExplorer::getConfig("mobile_enabled") == true) { if($this->mobile == false) $link .= "m&"; else $link .= "s&"; } else if($this->mobile == true && EncodeExplorer::getConfig("mobile_enabled") == true && EncodeExplorer::getConfig("mobile_default") == false) $link .= "m&"; else if($this->mobile == false && EncodeExplorer::getConfig("mobile_enabled") == true && EncodeExplorer::getConfig("mobile_default") == true) $link .= "s&"; if($logout == true) { $link .= "logout"; return $link; } if(isset($this->lang) && $this->lang != EncodeExplorer::getConfig("lang")) $link .= "lang=".$this->lang."&"; if($sort_by != null && strlen($sort_by) > 0) $link .= "sort_by=".$sort_by."&"; if($sort_as != null && strlen($sort_as) > 0) $link .= "sort_as=".$sort_as."&"; $link .= "dir=".$dir; if($delete != null) $link .= "&del=".$delete; return $link; } function makeIcon($l) { $l = strtolower($l); return "?img=".$l; } function formatModTime($time) { $timeformat = "d.m.y H:i:s"; if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("time_format") != null && strlen(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("time_format")) > 0) $timeformat = EncodeExplorer::getConfig("time_format"); return date($timeformat, $time); } function formatSize($size) { $sizes = Array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB'); $y = $sizes[0]; for ($i = 1; (($i < count($sizes)) && ($size >= 1024)); $i++) { $size = $size / 1024; $y = $sizes[$i]; } return round($size, 2)." ".$y; } // // Debugging output // function debug() { print("Explorer location: ".$this->location->getDir(true, false, false, 0)."\n"); for($i = 0; $i < count($this->dirs); $i++) $this->dirs[$i]->output(); for($i = 0; $i < count($this->files); $i++) $this->files[$i]->output(); } // // Comparison functions for sorting. // public static function cmp_name($b, $a) { return strcasecmp($a->name, $b->name); } public static function cmp_size($a, $b) { return ($a->size - $b->size); } public static function cmp_mod($b, $a) { return ($a->modTime - $b->modTime); } // // The function for getting a translated string. // Falls back to english if the correct language is missing something. // public static function getLangString($stringName, $lang) { global $_TRANSLATIONS; if(isset($_TRANSLATIONS[$lang]) && is_array($_TRANSLATIONS[$lang]) && isset($_TRANSLATIONS[$lang][$stringName])) return $_TRANSLATIONS[$lang][$stringName]; else if(isset($_TRANSLATIONS["en"]))// && is_array($_TRANSLATIONS["en"]) //&& isset($_TRANSLATIONS["en"][$stringName])) return $_TRANSLATIONS["en"][$stringName]; else return "Translation error"; } function getString($stringName) { return EncodeExplorer::getLangString($stringName, $this->lang); } // // The function for getting configuration values // public static function getConfig($name) { global $_CONFIG; if(isset($_CONFIG, $_CONFIG[$name])) return $_CONFIG[$name]; return null; } public static function setError($message) { global $_ERROR; if(isset($_ERROR) && strlen($_ERROR) > 0) ;// keep the first error and discard the rest else $_ERROR = $message; } function setErrorString($stringName) { EncodeExplorer::setError($this->getString($stringName)); } // // Main function, activating tasks // function run($location) { $this->location = $location; $this->calculateSpace(); $this->readDir(); $this->sort(); $this->outputHtml(); } public function printLoginBox() { ?>
" method="post"> 0){ $require_username = true; break; } } if($require_username) { ?>
" class="button" />
getConfig('log_file') != null && strlen($this->getConfig('log_file')) > 0) || ($this->getConfig('thumbnails') != null && $this->getConfig('thumbnails') == true && $this->mobile == false) || (GateKeeper::isDeleteAllowed())) { ?> <?php if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('main_title') != null) print EncodeExplorer::getConfig('main_title'); ?> "> 0) { print "
"; } ?>
0 && $this->mobile == false) { $secondary_titles = EncodeExplorer::getConfig("secondary_titles"); print "
\n"; } ?>

Les Groupes ad hoc

Les groupes ad hoc sont constitués et se réunissent à l'initiative de la Directrice générale afin de répondre aux questions qui leur sont posées dans leur domaine de compétence et de venir en appui aux travaux conduits par les Commissions spécialisées. La Directrice générale a pour mandat de définir les termes de référence et de sélectionner les experts adéquats sur la base de leur expérience et de leur excellence scientifique, tout en garantissant un bon équilibre géographique. Les rapports des groupes ad hoc sont soumis pour information et validation à la Commission spécialisée concernée.

Groupes ad hoc prévus

Le calendrier des réunions de groupes ad hoc à venir peut être consulté via le lien ci-dessous. Une fois que la Directrice générale aura constitué un groupe ad hoc, les termes de référence y afférents seront disponibles sous la rubrique « Rapports des groupes ad hoc ».

Calendrier des groupes ad hoc 2020

Calendrier des groupes ad hoc 2021

Nomination des experts

Les propositions de candidatures d'experts auprès d'un groupe ad hoc spécifique sur décision des Délégués de l'OIE doivent être envoyées au Siège par courriel à l'adresse suivant :  expert_applications@oie.int et être accompagnées d'un curriculum vitae et du nom du groupe ad hoc aux travaux duquel les experts candidats souhaitent participer. L'envoi d'une proposition de candidature ne garantit pas que l'expert candidat soit choisi mais sa candidature permettra à l'OIE de constituer une base de données recensant des experts de renom international.

Rapports des groupes ad hoc

Une fois que les rapports des groupes ad hoc auront été examinés par la Commission spécialisée concernée, ils seront postés sur le site Internet de l'OIE sous forme de documents séparés. Pour accéder aux documents antérieurs à juillet 2016, veuillez consulter les rapports correspondants des Commissions spécialisées de l'OIE qui sont disponibles au lien suivant : http://www.oie.int/fr/normes-internationales/commissions-specialisees-et-groupes/

printLoginBox(); } else { if($this->mobile == false && EncodeExplorer::getConfig("show_path") == true) { ?> mobile == false) { ?> mobile == false && GateKeeper::isDeleteAllowed()){?> dirs) { foreach ($this->dirs as $dir) { $row_style = ($row ? "one" : "two"); print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; if($this->mobile == false && GateKeeper::isDeleteAllowed()){ print ""; } print "\n"; $row =! $row; } } // // Now the files // if($this->files) { $count = 0; foreach ($this->files as $file) { $row_style = ($row ? "one" : "two"); print "files)?" last":"")."\">\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; if($this->mobile != true) { print "\n"; print "\n"; } if($this->mobile == false && GateKeeper::isDeleteAllowed()){ print ""; } print "\n"; $row =! $row; } } // // The files and folders have been displayed // ?>
makeArrow("name");?> makeArrow("size"); ?> makeArrow("mod"); ?>
dir ..
\"dir\"mobile == true?2:3)."\">\n"; print "makeLink(false, false, null, null, null, $this->location->getDir(false, true, false, 0).$dir->getNameEncoded())."\" class=\"item dir\">"; print $dir->getNameHtml(); print "\n"; print "getName())."\" href=\"".$this->makeLink(false, false, null, null, $this->location->getDir(false, true, false, 0).$dir->getNameEncoded(), $this->location->getDir(false, true, false, 0))."\">\"Delete\"
\"".$file-getType()."\" src=\"".$this->makeIcon($file->getType())."\" />\n"; print "\t\tlocation->getDir(false, true, false, 0).$file->getNameEncoded()."\""; if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig('open_in_new_window') == true) print "target=\"_blank\""; print " class=\"item file"; if($file->isValidForThumb()) print " thumb"; print "\">"; print $file->getNameHtml(); if($this->mobile == true) { print "".$this->formatSize($file->getSize()).""; } print "\n"; print "".$this->formatSize($file->getSize())."".$this->formatModTime($file->getModTime())." getName())."\" href=\"".$this->makeLink(false, false, null, null, $this->location->getDir(false, true, false, 0).$file->getNameEncoded(), $this->location->getDir(false, true, false, 0))."\"> \"Delete\"
getString("username"); ?>: getString("password"); ?>: " />
location->uploadAllowed() && (GateKeeper::isUploadAllowed() || GateKeeper::isNewdirAllowed())) { ?>
" />
" class="upload_sumbit" />
makeLink(false, true, null, null, null, "")."\">".$this->getString("log_out")." | "; if(EncodeExplorer::getConfig("mobile_enabled") == true) { print "makeLink(true, false, null, null, null, $this->location->getDir(false, true, false, 0))."\">\n"; print ($this->mobile == true)?$this->getString("standard_version"):$this->getString("mobile_version")."\n"; print " | \n"; } if(GateKeeper::isAccessAllowed() && $this->getConfig("calculate_space_level") > 0 && $this->mobile == false) { print $this->getString("total_used_space").": ".$this->spaceUsed." MB | "; } if($this->mobile == false && $this->getConfig("show_load_time") == true) { printf($this->getString("page_load_time")." | ", (microtime(TRUE) - $_START_TIME)*1000); } */ ?>
init(); GateKeeper::init(); if(!ImageServer::showImage() && !Logger::logQuery()) { $location = new Location(); $location->init(); if(GateKeeper::isAccessAllowed()) { Logger::logAccess($location->getDir(true, false, false, 0), true); $fileManager = new FileManager(); $fileManager->run($location); } $encodeExplorer->run($location); } ?>